The African Children’s Hospitals Foundation presents in continuation of our webinar series

The African Paediatric Fellowship Program: building capacity through training African doctors, in Africa, by Africans

Date: November 5th 2020

Time: 1pm West Africa (Nigeria) /9 am EST/ 2pm South Africa (Johannesburg)


The AfCHF webinar series

We continue our webinar series as we showcase The African Paediatric Fellowship Program

In this webinar, will give a brief overview of the challenges and needs to upskill training in paediatrics inclusive of general paediatrics and sub-specialties. A novel training program, the African Paediatric Fellowship Program will be described. This program follows the ethos of training Africans, in Africa by Africans with the intent that the training is highly relevant and equips the health practitioner with the necessary skills to not only be a leader in their field but also to be able to effectively practice in their local setting. After this short overview alumni from the program will present their experience, insights and challenges in relation to upskilling paediatric services in Africa. The African Children’s Hospitals Foundation (AfCHF) has convened this panel discussion to highlight the opportunities available for specialist and sub specialist training on the continent with a view to examining the opportunities for scaling subspecialty and diploma training across countries to meet the growing demand for relevant home-grown specialist paediatric and adolescent healthcare on the continent. Importantly we will highlight the critical importance of ensuring that returning trainees are immediately able to settle back at home and begin to address the urgent needs around developing dedicated paediatric healthcare systems in their home countries.

Join us and our most distinguished panelists as they bring to the fore important considerations for government, stakeholders and providers working towards improved outcomes for children.